We Wait, We Trust, We Pivot

I knew the year 2020 was going to be epic, I just didn’t realize it would be like this. I don’t think anybody could have expected this. 

As a family we were looking forward to many upcoming events, which for us is mainly baseball. As a company, we were embracing 2020 with open arms. After spending the last year re-branding ourselves, we were very much looking forward to what this year would hold. We have been planning for spring, pre-ordering furniture and even enclosing our patios and remodeling the outside of our building to better showcase our beautiful patio furniture. And then the world is hit with this virus, the bottom falls out and the country comes to an almost standstill. So we are sitting here wondering, as so many of you are as well, now what….

We wait. 

We trust.

We pivot.

There will come a time when this is over. This time in our lives will be just another chapter in our books. A story we will tell to later generations. And hopefully there will be lessons learned from all the events that occur. We have all become so busy and rushed. We fail to slow down and really breathe in each moment. Perhaps this is a gentle reminder from God that we are getting too far away from Him, from our families, and from what truly matters. So now is the time to make a change.

Let us use this time to get creative in the kitchen. Sit around the table for your meals. Play games. Go for a walk or a bike ride. Learn something new. Phone a friend you haven’t spoke to in a while. Take a nap. Lounge on the sofa and read a book. 

Let’s also really learn to love our homes again. Home is where the heart is, as the saying goes. But for me, it’s where my family is. Where my memories are. I love for my home to be as beautiful as the people inside it.

As for Rockwood, we will continue to be who we are. Our store will continue to be open until we can no longer be. We are practicing safe and healthy guidelines. We always have offered individualized shopping, and will continue to do so. We can even do it over Facetime or via email. We are changing our social media and email content to feature beautiful pieces of furniture, stylish home decor, and tips and other things to entertain you while you are at home. In the meantime, we would love to hear from you! Let us know what you and your family are up to. Email us, call us, comment on our social media. I know that when all this is over, the whole world will be changed and we will never take simple things for granted. 

Until then, be blessed my friends!


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